Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Risky business

Dress (as top): LOFT; Sweater: Target; 
Skirt: Kasper, thrifted; Tights, boots: Target; Scarf: H&M; 
Shell earrings: from Philippines, gift from Mom.
Shop similar: skirt, dress, scarf.
 When a girl wants to add some thrills to her life in a small town, she can either rearrange her entire scarf collection by color and astrological sign, or take some risks with her outfit photos. I'm trying to do some new things with my picture-taking (because all of my scarves are clearly Libras).

I've mentioned before on the blog that I've gone to some semi-extreme lengths to get some of these shots on the beach, namely putting part of my tripod in the water to get the right angle. It is always a bit of an adventure when I do so, because the whole situation really depends on how the water/wind conditions are. I usually ground the tripod with something heavy slung over the top of it, like my bag, so it's got extra weight keeping it stable.

I know this all sounds like a sketchy set-up, having all of my belongings teetering over a lake. But I promise it's pretty rigged, and I have the reflexes of a very large cat (cheetah, not Garfield) in case anything begins to sway. On windy days, I have to play it safe, because then the whole structure is about as precarious as a Jenga tower.

I suppose that's the only risky, thrill-seeking behavior I've engaged in around this town, so no need to worry, friends.

But when I start eating my peanut butter sandwiches with the crusts still on, you'll know it's time for an intervention.

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