Dress: Jennifer Moore, thrifted;
Sweater: Target:
Moccasins: Minnetonka.
Thanks for all the nice things you guys said on my last post. My new camera is still taking some getting used to, but I am excited about it.
I went to the park at my normal time last night, and it was already almost dark! What the what?!? It definitely made my walk in the woods a bit spookier. Usually Georgia is the last place to get chilly while the rest of the country experiences autumn, and now it's getting dark at 7:15 and the temperatures are hovering around 69 degrees. I don't mind it, because it's been a reprieve from the long hot summer. But it makes me wonder if it's coming earlier than usual, are we going to have a longer winter? Hope not...
Anyway, I loved wearing this outfit. It's brown and cinnamon colored and just reminds me of the season that's already here.