Dress: Arpeja, thrifted;
Belt: Ann Taylor Loft;
Jade bracelet: Finder's Keepers;
Wedges: Zigi Soho.
How I've worn the dress before: here.
So two very big things happened today: I finished The Dress Project, and we found Mystery Park! So it seemed only fitting that this floral dress got a great setting for the final outfit in the installment.
So about the park. We realized the last time we tried to find it, our Google directions took us to a back entrance of the park that no longer existed. We found it today, and what's even better is that it's only two miles from our apartment, which is closer than almost all of our other photo places. Not only that, the park is completely lush and preserved even though it's minutes from a retail and suburban area. And not only that, it's kind've isolated -- it's not crowded like the other parks near us, and it would be a great place to take kids because there are a lot of scenic areas. Apparently it's land from McDaniel Farm, which was in its prime in the early 1900s as a tenant farm. Lots of the land and buildings have been preserved in the park. We explored a little bit of one trail today and are going to save the rest for some exploring later. I'm so excited about having a new place for photos! Here are some more photos:
Ok, so about the dress. I really loved how I styled it this time around, because now that the weather's nice, the dress can really shine on its own without sweaters covering it up. I felt like I personified spring, walking around with so many bright colors. These photos from this shoot are probably my favorites on the blog so far. I love how the park just inspired us.
I cannot believe this was the last dress in the Project, because I really feel like I accomplished a big goal. Forty-five dresses took a long time --- I wore one everyday, but the Project took 57 days because there were some days I just didn't take any photos, or felt pretty sick. But now that it's over,
it feels weird to go into my closet now and realize that I don't have to wear any more dresses if I don't want to. I started this Project to appreciate what I already have, and I think I've accomplished that goal. I know I've got a couple dresses that I'm iffy about keeping, but now that I've seen most of my dresses in a new light, I can't see getting rid of them. A few will probably get alterations, but I think that will give them more potential.
As the Project is over, so is my shopping ban. It feels weird to say this too, but I don't have the sudden urge to go on a shopping spree now. I mean, I could probably get some new shoes, but that's it. I have to admit, I think I've become more cautious with my money, which I definitely think the Project influenced.
Lastly, I want to thank you guys for reading through The Dress Project and Sidewalk Chalk. I thought the Project was going to be a hare-brained scheme, but it really has evolved because of your comments, encouragement and support. I really do have the best readers, and you really have meant a lot to me in not only the last 57 days, but throughout the last six months, when this blog started. I've got some other ideas for this blog, and I really can't wait to see how it'll evolve even more. Thank you so much for everything!