Dress: Eyeshadow;
Sweater: Ann Taylor Loft;
Bracelet: Finder's Keepers;
Shoes: Zigi Soho.
Just a few pics at my family home for Easter. It was such a good day full of family and old friends, good food and conversation. I stuffed myself with yummy ham, rolls and cobbler...
About the dress. This was originally Nik's dress that she ended up giving me. It's a little big and it has an empire waistline, and while that's good for days of feasting, it's not good if you don't want relatives asking if you're finally going to have kids. So the sweater and belt helped alter it so it defined my natural waistline.
Family photo time!
Jeremiah, me, Mom
Me, Mom, Nik and Billy
Nik and I matched our colors perfectly without even consulting each other. I'm in awe of how we both got brown, white, yellow and green in our outfits.
How did you spend your weekend?