Dress: Forever 21;
Sweater: Target;
Camisole: Walmart;
Bracelet: Finder's Keepers;
Shoes: Aerosoles.
Two outfit posts in one day -- yippee. This is what I wore today when Jeremiah and I explored our city a bit more, which culminated in a random trip to Toys R Us to look at the toys we used to love and to see how much they've changed. We're hip like that. Actually, he had to steer me clear of the candy aisle because they had a section devoted to sour candy, which is my weakness...
Sorry for the short post earlier. I knew I was heading out the door so I kinda threw it on the blog and didn't elaborate much on my thoughts on "Date Night." I thought it was pretty funny for the most part and it's actually quite surprising that Tina Fey and Steve Carrell haven't done a movie together before this because they are the funniest people on network television right now. I liked Tina Fey in "Mean Girls," "Baby Mama" and of course, her SNL past, so I was looking forward to her latest comedy. There are some brilliant moments in this movie that I think will become catchphrases -- or at least, they already have at my house ("That's really great, Jeremy, but I think I'm going to go home now and fart into a box.") I'll admit, some parts were slow, and there's this running gag with Mark Wahlberg's lack of clothing, but I think Fey and Carrell have this great, funny chemistry that makes it all worth it.
About this outfit. This is probably my only Forever 21 piece in my closet. I used to have a lot more, but over the years this is the only thing from the store that has survived many multiple washings and my changing tastes in clothes. I got it when I interned in NYC two years ago. The Forever 21 stores in NYC are way better than the ones in Georgia -- more offerings and more space, but too many crowds. Anyways, the dress has these straps that are thick, but because it's a bit lowcut, I always want to wear a camisole with it. It's got an empire waistline design, which I need to stop buying so many of because I don't think it's the best shape for my body, regardless of what Stacey and Clinton tell everyone. I do like the design, though, and I do think it's a great little dress for spring, so I'm probably going to keep it after The Dress Project is over.
The weather has been amazing the last couple of days. I'm hoping my allergy medicine will hold up against the pollen -- apparently it's the highest count in our area in 10 years. Ridiculous!
Hope you're enjoying your weekend, wherever you are!