Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Black dress with the tights underneath, or Dress #3

Listening to:  "Don't Trust Me," 3Oh!3.
Dress: Merona, Target, $25;
Sweater: Faded Glory, $12;
Belt: Fossil, $6;
Tights: Target, $5;
Shell necklace: From Philippines, gift;
Boots: Kady cognac, Target, $30.

It's Day 3 of The Dress Project and I'm becoming strategic with which dresses to wear. I've got quite a few black dresses and went with one I never really wear but should because I do like the sleeves. Here's how it looks without the sweater:

I forgot to take a sweater-less photo in my first round of pictures, and by that time my photographer husband did not want to take the "long trek" (read: two minute walk) to the gazebo, so you're getting the view outside my apartment. Oh well, I try to be a good blogger. 
 I love how the dress is fitted up top. I think I got it because it made me feel like Maria from "West Side Story." Something about the way it's fitted reminds me of Natalie Woods' wardrobe from the movie. I would die happy if I could dress like she did all the time. And while we're at it, I'd want Anita's wardrobe as well!
Speaking of older movies, I am getting a huge kick out of TMC's Oscar movie marathon -- I watched "Gigi" and "An American in Paris" last night and loved Gene Kelly's performance in the latter, even though "Singin' in the Rain" is my favorite of his work.
  About to grab some dinner -- hope you all have a good night!

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