Coat: H&M, thrifted;
Dress: Taylor, bought at Sym's, NYC;
Tights: Target, gift from Nikki;
Sweater, Kady Cognac Boots: Target;
Cougar bracelet: thrifted, vintage;
Silver bangle: gift from Mom.
It's been one of those weeks where it feels almost unnatural to smile. Our aunt died yesterday after a long battle with breast cancer. I am sad, but I feel relief that she is no longer in any horrible pain. My thoughts have been lingering on things like importance and mortality for the last couple of days.
I had been saving this dress for a special occasion -- what the occasion was, I'm not sure, I just knew I wanted to wear it for A Big Moment. I decided to pull it out today to wear later tonight for trivia. It's been a mundane day, but I needed to be reminded that life goes back to normal and I could feel normal again and that it was okay to try to wear a pretty dress. The dress's color has been doing a lot to cheer me up.
It's okay to laugh even though I feel lost and sad. It's okay to celebrate a normal day. It reminds me of one of my favorite childhood books, "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" and the idea that "You need a reason to be sad. You don't need a reason to be happy." I'm trying to keep that in mind.