Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Between the glow and the light

Listening to: "The Dim and the Dark," Jump, Little Children.
Dress (as skirt): Ann Taylor Loft ($10);
Sweater: Mossimo, gift;
Kady cognac boots: Target;
Tights: Anne Klein;
Necklace: from Philippines, gift;
Trench: Banana Republic, gift.
How I've worn the dress before: here.
How I've worn the sweater before: here, here.

So your responses to my last post were actually pretty surprising -- I was thinking that I was going to get some "Yeah, maybe you should have done something different," comments -- and instead, you all seemed to like the cream&white color combo and the mix of textures! Thanks for all your kind and supportive feedback, it's inspiring me to be even more playful with my daily combinations!
I can't believe I've never posted this outfit before, because this might be my go-to outfit. I wear it at least once a week. I like the mix of patterns, and the floral skirt and dark tights make me feel slightly grunge. The necklace is made of real shells and I've had it for a few years now.
We had trivia tonight and won third place. Not our best, but we were among a few teams who tied at the end and it's just how everything landed after the tiebreaker question. I was really proud of myself for getting two questions that no one else in my team knew: What animated movie did the Goonies watch in the Goonies? (Snow White) What city was the show "Golden Girls" set? (Miami)
I guess reading Mental Floss and playing Sporcle are paying off...

 We were recently tagged by Betz of her armoire for  the Beautiful Blogger award! Thanks, Betz!
And now I have to share 7 random things about myself...Nikki can post about her random things in her next entry.
1) I am still scared of the dark. I think when I was little I watched way too many horror movies (Nightmare on Elm Street, It) and never really got over my fear. I have to have at least the window blinds open or the computer monitor on.
2) I was born in the Philippines and lived there until I was 2. Because our dad was in the military, I've also lived in Alaska, Hawaii (for about a month) and California. After he left the military, we lived in Alabama and Georgia.
3) I love old movies and some of my faves include "It Happened One Night" and "Singin' in the Rain."
4) I I majored in journalism and psychology for my undergraduate work.
5) I once put Sun-In in my hair thinking it would give me light highlights. It turned the top of my hair orange.
6) I hoard certain things. I collect penguin stuff, Phantom of the Opera ornaments and old movie posters.
7) My favorite flavor of ice cream is peppermint.

And now we get to tag 7 lovely ladies.

Hope you all have a good night!
signature1 by you.

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